Future of Mobile Industry In India

Hi-Tech Institute Agra
2 min readMar 31, 2022


Future of Mobile phones

Today, in a country with a huge population like India, where it is not easy for people to make their life, it has become impossible for people to get jobs or employment. In this era of technology, the mobile phone field has proved to be a boon for the people. Because today the demand for mobile phones is increasing continuously. Due to today’s mobile phone being multi-feature, problems also come quickly. For which the demand for mobile phone engineers is also increasing continuously.

mobile repairing tools

Know the benefits of taking a mobile repairing course.

  • Out of the total population of India, there are about 100 crore mobile phone users.

* For 100 crore phone users, about 10 lakh mobile phone engineers are needed.

* At present, only about 1.50 lakh skilled engineers have been able to do so.

* So far there is a demand for 8 lakh 50 thousand mobile phone engineers.

* Every year there is an increase of 5 crore new mobile phone users.

* For which about 1 lakh is needed every year. (While now 8 lakh 50 thousand engineers are also needed.

* Before about 9–10 years from today there were only 5–6 companies

* Today the company of about 500 small grown mobile phones is in the market.

* All these companies need a mobile phone for their service center. and will continue to fall in the future.

* After doing short-term earning courses of 3 to 6 months, there are immense possibilities in job or business.

* Out of thousands of businesses running in the market, you can open your business with very little investment of about 50 to 1 lakh rupees to do this business.

* After doing this course, you can work as a mobile phone engineer in any mobile phone company. Or you can start a good business.

* By doing this course, you can easily earn 50 to 70 thousand or more by doing your business.

* There is no factor in doing this business.

* There is also a need to be more educated to do this course,

* You can also do this course after passing 12th and 10th.

  • Today the mobile phone field welcomes every unemployed or dissatisfied person in their job or business. Now leave worrying about your future and join the self-employment campaign….. your decision…..

Contact For Admission — 9319511511

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Hi-Tech Institute Agra
Hi-Tech Institute Agra

Written by Hi-Tech Institute Agra


Hi-Tech institute Agra provides short-term earning courses in Agra. as Like- mobile repairing course, advance mobile repairing course, laptop repairing course.